MACMA Officers

 President Lisa Pistilli, Lester Inc.
Vice President-Sponsorship Barbara Nelson, CDS-Global/Hearst
Vice President-Programming Barbara Falk, PWX Solutions
Vice President-Membership Edelyn Sellitto, Dow Jones
Treasurer Jon Curtis, eMagazines
Recording Secretary Bill Cunningham
Immediate Past President Sammy Garrett

MACMA Directors

Michael Bennett Reuters
Adam Garbati BPAWW
Dennis Hecht 7 Knots Digital
Elizabeth Kachoris PMMI Media Group
Brian Morrissey The Rebooting
Roberta Muller Northstar Travel Media
Tony Napoleone Omeda
Joanne Persico ONEcount
Greg Wolfe Four String Media

MACMA Advisors

          Cynthia Chodorow
Cambey & West, Inc.
Jim Cowart Scranton Gillette Communications
Patti Devine Patti Devine, Inc.
Corey Folta Dow Jones
Sammy Garrett Stamats
Chris Goodwin Data Axle
Patti McGuinness SBMAD
Meryl Randman Meryl Randman
Matt Steinmetz Benzinga
Bob Terzotis Mather Economics
Nancy White


With Sincere Appreciation to our Past Presidents

Want to Get Involved?

MACMA counts on the support of dedicated volunteers from throughout the publishing industry to manage its day-to-day operations and deliver high-quality programs and services. For more information on getting involved with the MACMA, please email Tim Bower, MACMA's Executive Director, at [email protected].

To reach a director, please email Tim Bower, MACMA Executive Director at [email protected]
*The MACMA President can be reached directly at [email protected].