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Mastering Customer Retention Essentials: A Virtual Learning Experience from MACMA
Recorded: June 5, 2024

This groundbreaking Virtual Learning Experience was hosted by the Media Audience and Content Marketing Association (MACMA), where the spotlight shines on the pivotal strategies and tactics essential for the retention and renewal within the #retention economy. This exclusive gathering is dedicated to publishing, media, event companies, and industry trade associations, offering a deep dive into compelling case studies that showcase how to thrive by retaining exhibitors at events, advertisers, paid subscribers, and memberships. While acknowledging the unique challenges faced by publishers and associations, this event underscores the shared focus on renewal and retention as the vital crossroads for both sectors. Attendees will also explore innovative approaches to organically acquiring audiences, emphasizing that the core of sustained success lies in mastering the art of renewal. Don't miss this opportunity to learn, network, and drive your organization towards unparalleled growth in the retention economy.

FIRST SESSION: Revolutionizing Reader & Member Engagement: Innovative Strategies for Value Amplification and Community Building
As the landscape of scientific publishing evolves, retaining readers and enhancing member value are paramount. In her talk, Sharon will delve into the innovative strategies Chemical & Engineering News is implementing to not only retain readers but also significantly enhance the value of its offerings as a member benefit of the American Chemical Society. She will explore the multifaceted approach taken to combat member attrition, drive traffic, and build vibrant communities within the chemical sciences sector.

Speaker: Sharon Jane Chua, Director & Publisher - Chemical & Engineering News (a publication of the American Chemical Society)

TITLE: Digital Convergence: Mastering Subscriber and Client Retention in B2B Media and Education
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the intersection of media and education offers unprecedented opportunities for growth and engagement. Maurice Bakley’s keynote will explore the transformative strategies at the core of subscriber and client retention in the B2B media and education sectors. Drawing from his extensive background, Maurice will dive into effective practices for nurturing long-term relationships with subscribers and clients, focusing on strategic alignment, innovative product development, and exceptional execution.

Speaker: Maurice Bakley, CEO – Education Week

TITLE: Harnessing Synergies Between Publishing, Media, and Associations for Enhanced Retention and Renewal
In the current digital age, where audience engagement and member retention are more challenging than ever, this panel will explore effective strategies at the intersection of publishing, media, and associations. Our panelists will delve into innovative practices that have successfully driven renewal rates, enhanced member engagement, and strengthened brand loyalty within their respective organizations.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Integrated Strategies for Retention: Insights into how integrated marketing and communication strategies can enhance member and subscriber retention.
  • Leveraging Technology for Engagement: Examining the role of technology in fostering community engagement and personalizing member experiences to boost renewal rates.
  • Innovative Content Delivery: Discussing the transformation of content delivery mechanisms to meet the changing consumption habits of today's audience.
  • Building Value in Membership: Strategies for adding value to memberships and subscriptions that go beyond traditional benefits, including exclusive content, personalized services, and professional development opportunities.

Greg Krehbiel, President-The Krehbiel Group
David Garofalo, Assistant VP of Membership & Communications - Intermodal Association of North America
Jennifer Mosley- Vice President of Marketing - Education Week
Dustin Smith, Co-Founder - HUM



Pivoting to a Membership Model
Recorded:  Friday, October 13, 2023

Membership models almost always outperform straight subscriptions for acquisition, engagement, and retention. Why? And how can you take your brand to that next level?
The Media, Audience and Content Marketing Association offered a webinar to address this and so much more about the rise of membership models.

Hear from industry experts with decades of experience in media, publishing, subscription box, membership, and marketing, who will outline the process for and benefits of pivoting to a membership model. They’ll address subjects like:

  • Why/how is membership different/better than a subscription?
  • Do you have the content it takes to make the pivot?
  • Bundling and pricing.
  • Acquisition and retention.
  • Engaging members and promoting new content.

You’ll hear from Bill Dugan, Editor & Publisher for Food Gardening Network and GreenPrints, and SVP of Mequoda* and Dave Fiegel, Retention Marketing Manager at Annie’s Publishing**, where he works with a variety of print and digital products. Moderated by Ken Smith, director of partner services at SFG. For more information on our speakers, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Get ready to learn how to take your brand to next level, enhance consumer engagement and increase retention by pivoting to a membership model.  The membership model works for both direct to consumer and B2B brands looking to elevate their brands.

Lead Generation - Best Practices and Tools
Recorded: Thursday, August 24, 2023

Are you ready to revolutionize your lead generation efforts and accelerate your business growth? Join us for an exclusive webinar where we unveil the most effective lead generation strategies and tools that can take your marketing to new heights.

In today's dynamic business landscape, mastering lead generation is no longer an option—it's a necessity. Our webinar, "Lead Generation: Best Practices and Tools," is tailored to provide you with actionable insights that will help you attract, convert, and nurture high-quality leads.

Key Highlights Covered:

  • Target Audience Identification
  • Effective Content Marketing
  • Lead Capture Mechanisms
  • Lead Nurturing Strategies
  • Analytics and Optimization

Sandra Kehoe, Marketing Director, Sales at Emerald X
Meg Estevez, Marketing Consultant

Unleashing the Power of Customer Data Platforms in B2B Media
Recorded: Thursday, June 15, 2023

Are you struggling to discover innovative ways to connect with your target audiences and drive meaningful engagement and new revenue models? Look no further! We have an engaging webinar tailored just for you.

We are delighted to present Lindsey Griffith, Manager of Data Technology at Endeavor Business Media, who will share her invaluable insights and success story on utilizing a Customer Data Platform (CDP) to transform unknown audience members into known prospects. By leveraging content consumption patterns and channel preference data, Lindsey has spearheaded targeted and personalized audience development and monetization initiatives, revolutionizing her organization's revenue model and driving remarkable growth.

Whether you are a publisher, audience marketer, or industry professional, this webinar is a must-attend event to gain valuable insights and learn from real-world experiences.

Don't miss this opportunity to discover how Lindsey Griffith, in partnership with a CDP, has transformed her organization's revenue model, achieved growth, and differentiated Endeavor’s brands in the B2B publishing industry.

Lindsey Griffith is a dedicated and innovative Manager of Data Technology with a passion for transforming businesses through cutting-edge technology and data-driven insights. Since joining Endeavor Business Media in 2019, her focus has been on the strategic implementation of Customer Data Platforms, as well as launching exceptional products and services that harness the power of artificial intelligence and personalization. Her expertise lies in understanding the intricate connections between data and customer experience and utilizing this knowledge to drive growth and success for both her team and the company. As a forward-thinking leader, she is committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements to ensure the delivery of unparalleled results for clients and businesses.

Unlocking Digital Audiences: the GA4 Moment and Cookies
Recorded: Friday, March 10, 2023

Third party cookies are going away. GA4 is replacing legacy Google Analytics. There has never been a single, more powerful moment to harness the potential of your first party digital audiences. Join us as we discuss how.

Patricia McGuinness, President, SBM Audience Development
Dennis Hecht, Chief Product & Analytics Officer, 7 Knots Digital